What happen when you drink Lemon juice with Olive oil?
The human body itself is a miracle! it is amazing how the body heals and detox itself. But we are living in the toxic world where pesticides, synthetic chemicals, air, and water pollution are burdening the body to cleanse itself. It is so important to consume natural products that can help your body to nourish itself from inside out.
In our topic we will talk about lemon juice and olive oil. These two super ingredients can help to nourish the body by reducing the symptoms and complications of many common diseases.
So what are the benefits of lemon juice and olive oil mixture?
1. Reduces abdominal fat:
This mixture can help to boost the metabolism and burn abdominal fat. Fatty acids in the mixture will help reduce the extra water retention in the body take a tablespoon of this mixture daily to remove excess weight.
2. Body detox:
Lemon juice and olive oil are known for their cleansing properties. Both have the ability to detox the body from damaging substances. Cleansing power of this mixture is quite effective on liver and gallbladder as it protects them from many harmful materials. Mix a cup of lemon juice with a cup of olive oil, Drink one tablespoon from the mixture two times a day for a week.
3. Cholesterol and heart health:
Drinking the mixture of lemon juice and olive oil will reduce cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health. This might sounds counterproductive but consuming two tablespoons of virgin olive oil for a week not only reduce “LDL” the bad cholesterol but also raises “HDL” the good cholesterol. While lemon juice contains flavonoids and vitamin C which can help lower the cholesterol levels and support heart health.
4. Relieves Constipation:
Constipation is a painful condition when dry and hard stool cannot move easily through the bowel. Olive oil is a natural laxative that helps the bowels moving and relieve constipation. Olive oil contains fats which can smooth the bowls from the inside, making it easier for stools to pass. While lemon has anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce the swelling of the stomach and intestines. Mixing these two ingredients can relieve stress on intestines and reduce abdominal pain.
5. Helps with Blood Pressure:
With essential minerals and the ability to cleanse the body, lemon and olive oil mixture is very effective to control the blood pressure. A spoon full of mixture after breakfast will stabilized the blood pressure. It will also claim the heart and regulate the heartbeats.
With essential minerals and the ability to cleanse the body, lemon and olive oil mixture is very effective to control the blood pressure. A spoon full of mixture after breakfast will stabilized the blood pressure. It will also claim the heart and regulate the heartbeats.
6. Improves skin and prevent aging:
Olive oil contains antioxidant which can fight against free radicals and prevent premature aging. Rich in vitamin c and citric acid lemon juice can cleanse the skin and make it soft and clear. Also lemon juice helps to fight against germs as it contains antibacterial properties. The combination of lemon juice and olive oil will hydrate and soften the skin. Mix 2 tablespoon of olive oil with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Massage the mixture on the skin for a few minutes. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash with lukewarm water.
Olive oil contains antioxidant which can fight against free radicals and prevent premature aging. Rich in vitamin c and citric acid lemon juice can cleanse the skin and make it soft and clear. Also lemon juice helps to fight against germs as it contains antibacterial properties. The combination of lemon juice and olive oil will hydrate and soften the skin. Mix 2 tablespoon of olive oil with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Massage the mixture on the skin for a few minutes. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash with lukewarm water.
As conclusion, The mixture of lemon juice and olive oil is a very beneficial liquid that can cure many diseases. it does not harm the human body because it is a healthy alternative treatment. And yet better than synthetic ingredients.
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